

Training and Development

Training System

Talent is the foundation of an enterprise, and training is one of the three magic weapons for Yingtong's success. The company has established a corporate training system with Yingtong's characteristics. In order to increase the intensity of talent training and enhance the professionalism and pertinence of training, Yingtong has invested more than 40 million yuan in various trainings, and built a high-standard Yingtong management training center in the beautiful Tongcheng Xishan.

"Leading enterprise development with outstanding talents, leading enterprise development with scientific and technological innovation, and leading enterprise development with enterprise culture" is the basic development strategy of Yingtong. We will, as always, pay close attention to employee training and personnel training, and continuously improve the ideological literacy, management level and work skills of all employees, so as to provide sufficient talent guarantee for the rapid and healthy development of the enterprise.


  • New employee orientation

    New employee orientation

  • Pre-job skills training

    Pre-job skills training

  • Professional knowledge training

    Professional knowledge training

  • Management cadre training

    Management cadre training

  • Hubei Management Training Center

Career Development Channel

Training and promotion of management trainees

静宁县| 徐水县| 乌苏市| 富平县| 开封县| 鸡泽县| 尤溪县| 永兴县| 定兴县| 太仓市| 云和县| 叙永县| 洛扎县| 汶上县| 鲁甸县| 太保市| 营山县| 夏河县| 万载县| 读书| 清涧县| 吐鲁番市| 通道| 福建省| 合川市| 洛南县| 建宁县| 页游| 剑河县| 城固县| 佳木斯市| 福清市| 万州区| 建德市| 体育| 泾阳县| 长乐市| 蒲江县| 天峻县| 枣强县| 满洲里市|